Schlagwort: AI

  • Skalierung


    Es gibt ein Prinzip, das für die heutige Welt der KI sehr wichtig ist. Neuronale Netze werden in hohem Maße von der Rechenleistung angetrieben. Die Entwicklung des Deep Learning zeigt, dass rechenintensive Modelle wesentlich hilfreicher sind als der Versuch, menschliches Wissen in Algorithmen abzubilden. Gerade der Boom der LLMs hat wieder gezeigt, dass mehr Rechenleistung…

  • Evaluating the Language Consistency of Local and Cloud-Based LLMs

    Evaluating the Language Consistency of Local and Cloud-Based LLMs

    One year ago, in my first article about OpenAI Whisper I made a prediction: I still think that one day we will have LLMs in the capability range between GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 (maybe up to GPT-4) – on our mobile devices. Now, let’s see how good the sentence has aged and how far we have…

  • Making OpenAI Whisper better

    Making OpenAI Whisper better

    We already looked at ways to make the original OpenAI Whisper model faster. We came across two different projects that aimed to deliver the best performance in terms of transcription speeds. But Automatic Speech Recognition is actually not about speed. The primary focus is on factors like quality and functionality. The overall quality of Whisper…

  • Making OpenAI Whisper faster

    Making OpenAI Whisper faster

    Explore faster models of Whisper with reduced transcription times, lower memory consumption, and use of TPUs.

  • Evaluating the Expense of OpenAI Whisper: API or Self-Hosted?

    Evaluating the Expense of OpenAI Whisper: API or Self-Hosted?

    OpenAI’s Whisper is one of the best Speech-to-Text models currently available on the market. The transcriptions are highly accurate and include information such as pauses and emphases. It outperforms in terms of quality major competitors. It can also process a variety of languages. In addition to automatic transcription, it is able to perform language translation…